Steven C. Rogers, MD, CPST, is an attending physician in the emergency department and serves as co-principal investigator for the Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Hartford, a community-based childhood injury prevention program. Dr. Rogers is an assistant professor at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and is currently enrolled in the masters’ program for Clinical and Translational Research. He is a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) and focuses much of his academic and research efforts on child motor vehicle safety. Dr. Rogers is also the emergency department’s behavioral health and psychiatric coordinator, working to improve care for this unique patient population including expanded support for suicidal patients and their families.


NJ Medical School/Univ of Med and Dentistry of NJ


Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles


Primary Children's Medical Center/Univ of Utah

American Board of Pediatrics - Emergency Medicine
American Board of Pediatrics - Pediatrics

Associate Professor, University of Connecticut School of Medicine

  • Finnegan FT, Rogers SC, Borrup K, Allen N, Saleheen H, Smith, SR. The Feasibility of Screening for Violence in the Pediatric Emergency Department. CT Med 2012, 75 (5): 1-7. (In press)
  • Rogers, SC, Bentley, G, Campbell, T., Borrup, K, Saleheen, H, Wang, Z, Lapidus, G. Impact of Connecticut’s graduated driver licensing system on teenage motor vehicle crash rates. J Trauma. 2011 Vol. 71(5):S527-S530.
  • Rogers SC, Dudley NC, Scaife E, McDonnal W, Morris S, and Nelson D. Lights, Camera, Action…Spotlight on Trauma Video Review. Pediatric Emergency Care 2010 Vol. 26 (11):803-807.
  • Rogers, SC, Campbell, T. Saleheen, H, Borrup, K, Lapidus, G. Using trauma registry data to guide injury prevention activities. J Trauma. 2010 Vol.69(4):S209-S213.
  • Rogers SC, Pruitt CW, Crouch DJ, and Caravati EM. Rapid Urine Drug Screens: Diphenhydramine and Methadone Cross-reactivity. Pediatric Emergency Care 2010 Vol. 26 (9):665-666.
  • Denmark TK and Rogers SC. In Baren J, Brown L, Brennan J, Rothrock SG. (eds). Near-drowning and Submersion Injuries. Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Philadelphia, Elsevier.
  • Rogers SC and Tanuos H. Index of Suspicion: Benign Perineal Groove. Pediatrics In Review; 2001 Vol. 22 No.11: pgs 388–392.
  • Rogers, SC, Parikh, C, Saleheen, H, Borrup, K, Smith, S. Is Brief Violence Screening in the Emergency Department Feasible? Injury Free Coalition National Conference. Cincinnati, OH. November 2011.
  • Bentley GT, Borrup KT, Brock-Gallo K, Rogers SC, Lapidus G. Using GIS to Profile State Drowning Deaths. November 2, 2011: 139th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association.
  • Rogers, SC, Bentley, G, Campbell, T., Borrup, K, Saleheen, H, Wang, Z, Lapidus, G. Impact of Connecticut’s graduated driver licensing system on teenage motor vehicle crash rates. Injury Free Coalition National Conference. Chicago, IL. November 2010.
  • Rogers, SC, Gallo, K, Saleheen, H, and Lapidus, G. Wishful Thinking: Safe Transportation of Newborns at Hospital Discharge. Pediatric Academic Society National Conference – Poster Presentation (Vancouver,Canada. April 2010) and Eastern Society for Pediatric Research – Platform Presentation (Philadelphia, PA. February 2010).
  • Rogers, S, Campbell, T. Saleheen, H, Borrup, K, Lapidus, G. Using trauma registry data to guide injury prevention activities. Injury Free Coalition for Kids National Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL. November 2009.
  • Hayward P, Rogers SC, Borrup K, and Lapidus G. Exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) within a GIS to identify statistically significant clusters of childhood pedestrian collisions. Abstract selected for presentation American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (November 7-11, 2009) in Philadelphia, PA.
  • Rogers SC and Pruitt CW. Safe Playground Project. Oral Presentation – Injury Free Coalition for Kids Annual Meeting (December 11-14, 2008) Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
  • Rogers SC, Dudley NC, Scaife E, Morris S, and Nelson D. Pediatric Trauma Video Review: An Underutilized Resource (Abstract). Oral Presentation – SAEM Western Regional Meeting March 2007, Portland, OR; Invited Speaker – PCMC Trauma Educational Conference June 2007, Salt Lake City, UT; Publication – Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. (In press)
  • Rogers SC, Pruitt CW, Crouch DJ, and Caravati EM. Rapid Urine Drug Screens: Diphenhydramine and Methadone Cross-reactivity (2006-7). Invited Speaker for Forensic Special Interest Group and Poster Presentation – North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology October 2007, New Orleans, LA.