Success of the Universal Screening
Simply put, the screening has surpassed all expectations. In just the first year, we screened well over 16,000 children and more than 2,600 of them screened positive for suicide risk. We are proud to have achieved over a 90% compliance rate from our nursing staff, which is unheard of in busy emergency departments. Of those who are screened, we are seeing about 16% screen positive including about 5% (779) who visit the Emergency Department for medical-only chief complaints, as opposed to a behavioral health chief complaint. These 779 children may never have been identified as having suicide risk but now can connect to the resources they need.
Parents have been overwhelmingly receptive to the suicide screening. We have had just a few decline to have their children participate. Many end up thanking us for opening a new channel of communication, especially those whose children screen positive.
One of the most powerful stories to come out of our suicide screening involved an 11-year-old girl. After she screened positive for suicide risk, her shocked mother turned to her daughter and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Her daughter replied, “Because you never asked.” She then turned to her provider and said that she had been thinking about suicide for a long time now but didn’t know who to talk to.
Aside from preventing suicide, normalizing the conversation about suicide is among our top goals. Talking about suicide does not cause it or contribute to the risk. Instead, it is likely to be protective and relieving for a child to know that it’s okay to talk about it and to seek help.
Next Steps
Going forward, we hope to expand our universal suicide screening program to all clinical departments at Connecticut Children’s. In addition, we hope to expand it to community-based primary care providers as well. Eventually, we hope to see such programs available statewide and across the country.
Suicide should not be a secret. It is 100% preventable yet it remains the second leading cause of death for children as young as 10 years old.
We have already made a difference with our universal suicide screening program and will continue to do so. By opening the lines of communication, as well as making resources and treatments available to those who need them, we are making our patients healthier and safer.