Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal area. They can be inside the anus (internal) or around the outside of the anus (external).

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What are the signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Common symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

  • Pain or irritation around the anus
  • Itching around the anus
  • Swelling or a lump around the anus
  • Bright red spots of blood in stool or in the toilet or on toilet paper after a bowel movement

What causes hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are most often caused by straining during bowel movements. They can also be caused by chronic constipation or diarrhea.

How are hemorrhoids treated?

Hemorrhoid treatment is based on how severe the hemorrhoids are. Your child’s treatment may include surgical or non-surgical options.

  • Using creams or suppositories to reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids
  • Sitting in a warm water bath
  • Using ice packs to reduce swelling
  • Surgery to remove the hemorrhoids may be needed if other treatments don’t work. At Connecticut Children’s, our experienced surgeons use minimally invasive techniques whenever possible.

Doctors at Connecticut Children’s can determine the right plan if your child requires treatment for hemorrhoids.