Connecticut Children's Adolescent Bleeding & Clotting Disorders Clinic (ABC Clinic) is made up of both hematology and adolescent medicine clinicians with expertise in the care of adolescents and young adult females with possible or confirmed bleeding and clotting disorders that affect menstruation.
About the ABC Clinic
The Adolescent Bleeding & Clotting Disorders Clinic, located at 599 Farmington Avenue in Farmington, Connecticut, offers specialized diagnosis and treatment options for females with heavy menstrual bleeding with or without subsequent iron deficiency anemia.
The ABC Clinic is linked to a comprehensive treatment center for bleeding disorders, one of over 130 federally designated Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs). The ABC Clinic also provides contraception for adolescents and young adults with an inherited clotting disorder or personal or family history of clotting. Connecticut Children’s ABC Clinic is scheduled 1-2 days a month but takes calls at all times.
Why Choose Connecticut Children's?
When you come to the ABC Clinic you are receiving expert, coordinated care from two of our teams at one appointment. Patients and their families will be meeting with Connecticut Children’s board-certified adolescent medicine physicians as well as our pediatric hematologists.