Pathway Background and Objectives
Brachial plexus palsies occur in about one in 1000 live births. Older literature quotes over 90% rate of recovery, however “recovery” has a broad definition that includes any reanimation of the limb. Recognizing secondary weakness and deformity, the actual recovery rate is closer to 66%, with 15% experiencing significant permanent weakness. Prompt diagnosis, examination for associated pathology, and early referral to a specialty clinic can optimize outcomes and family satisfaction. The objectives of this pathway are to:
- Ensure prompt diagnosis of brachial plexus palsy
- Ensure early referral to brachial plexus clinic for Orthopedic and Neurosurgical evaluation
- Initiate early motion exercises and therapy to optimize motion and recovery
For management of this condition in primary care, see CLASP/Co-Management guideline