If it might be an emergency, don’t wait! Connecticut Children’s Emergency Department (ED) is always open, and our experts provide evening and weekend pediatric urgent care in Farmington.

Pack a “go-bag” now, so it’s ready when you need it.

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Packing Tips

  • If you have more than one child, clearly label whose bag is whose.
  • Go through the bag every three months or so to check expiration dates on snacks, etc.
  • You won’t be able to pack some items ahead of time, like your child’s favorite toy. Make a list of those items and their locations in your home, and tape it to the top of the bag.

Urgent Care or ED: What to Pack in Your Child’s Go-Bag

  • Maintenance medicine (for example, asthma medicine or inhaler)
  • Copies of identification for you and your child
  • Copies of insurance cards
  • Primary care pediatrician contact info
  • List of emergency contact numbers
  • Your child’s vaccination and allergy records *To access your child’s health records right from your phone, sign up for MyChart
  • Masks for you and your child (if they’re over the age of 2), plus a bag or container to store them when not in use *We also have face masks available for you
  • Extra face masks in a resealable bag or container, in case the masks you and your child are wearing break or get dirty
  • Hand sanitizer *Our ED and Urgent Care clinic are stocked with plenty of hand sanitizer, but it’s a good idea to keep a personal bottle too
  • Wet wipes
  • Tissues
  • Diaper bag, if needed, with baby supplies: bottles, burp cloths, teething toys, etc.
  • Healthy, nonperishable snacks like granola bars or apple sauce packets
  • Bottle of water (and sippy cup or special cup, if your child uses one)
  • Comfort items for your child, like a book, fidget spinner, blanket, small toy or stuffed animal *Let older kids help you decide
  • If your child has sensory sensitivities, additional comfort items like noise-canceling headphones or ear plugs, baseball cap, sunglasses or eye mask

ED Only: In Case Your Child’s ED Visit Turns Into a Hospital Stay

  • Chargers for all phones and electronics
  • Activities for your child like a sticker pack or electronic device
  • Comfort items and activities for yourself
  • Toothbrushes and hygiene kits
  • Change of clothes
  • Pair of pajamas
  • Extra socks and underwear

When Your Child Needs Medical Attention, Seek Care Right Away

Not sure where to go – the emergency room, urgent care center or pediatrician? Here’s a list to help you decide.


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