How do you know your baby is getting enough breast milk?
We find this is the question new moms and dads worry about the most. It’s all about paying attention to the quality of the feedings and the baby’s output. Breastfed babies should feed anywhere between eight and twelve times per day. If they are feeding much more often than that, they may not be getting enough per feeding. Additionally, you need to pay attention to their diapers. When a baby is 1 day old, they should have at least one wet diaper, when they’re 2 days old, two wet diapers. It goes up each day until they hit 6 days old and at that point, it’s at least six to eight wet diapers and at least two stools in a 24-hour period. Weight checks at the pediatrician’s office will also assure parents that things are going well.
Do moms with babies who are born prematurely make different breast milk than moms with babies born full term?
Yes. If a baby is born prematurely, the mother’s breast milk is higher in immune protective factors as well as protein, magnesium, and iron. It is specific to how many weeks into the pregnancy the baby was born—the more premature the delivery, the higher the levels of these important protective factors in the milk. As time goes on and the baby gets older, the milk will transition to look more like the milk of mothers who deliver at term.
Can moms who deliver a preterm or sick infant still breastfeed?
Yes. Most babies born preterm or sick will not be able to breastfeed in the delivery room or during the first days following delivery. They may take longer to achieve an effective latch and productive feeding, but with time, patience and support, they can become very successful breastfeeders.
Is it safe to buy breast milk on the internet?
In most cases, no. Studies have shown that breast milk purchased off the internet can be contaminated with bacteria and viruses. Donor milk is a wonderful option for mothers who cannot produce milk for their own infant, but it should always be purchased through a reputable donor milk bank, such as the Human Milk Banking Association of North America or Prolacta.
Do moms with smaller breasts produce less breast milk?
No. Women with small breasts can produce just as much milk for their baby as moms with larger breasts. Breast size is based on fatty tissue, while breast milk production is based on the amount of milk ducts in the breast. Size has nothing to do with breast milk.
Can you have an alcoholic drink while breastfeeding?
Yes. It’s best to consume the alcohol immediately following a breastfeeding or pumping session, so that your body has the most time possible to metabolize the alcohol before the next feeding or pumping. By the time the baby is ready to breastfeed or you’re ready to pump again, it’s at least two hours later and the amount of alcohol in the breast milk is very low. If you have more than one drink, you should "pump and dump" for at least one pumping session.
Is breastfeeding supposed to hurt?
No. There is often some tenderness felt early on because it is something new and different, but the pain should not be sharp or severe. The most common cause of pain with breastfeeding is an ineffective latch. Moms should strive for a deep latch, meaning the baby’s wide-open mouth takes in a large portion of the areola. If we can get the newborn to achieve a deep latch, there is less chance of pain because the baby is bringing the nipple all the way to the soft palate of their mouth. If the latch is more shallow, they’re pinching the nipple against their hard palate, which can be very painful for mom.
Moms should be able to achieve a deep latch using any breastfeeding position, but we recommend the football or cross cradle hold for a preterm or small baby. These positions allow the mother to have more control over the baby’s head and shoulders, which often makes a deep, effective latch easier.
What resources do you recommend for people who are interested in learning about breastfeeding?
We typically recommend: