Integrating Equity
When designing the Lab, we recognized a need to strategically integrate equity into all facets of our work so that we can help all children prosper. While there are many definitions for equity, at the Lab, we define equity as the absence of unfair differences based on social, economic, demographic, geographic, or other dividing factors in the quality, effectiveness, availability, accessibility, and responsiveness of services, resources, and other supports designed to help children prosper.
While we cannot undo historical inequities, we must be cognizant of their long-term impact and be intentional about trying to prevent further inequities moving forward. The Lab does this by engaging changemakers in crucial conversations – asking thoughtful, challenging questions regarding the design, testing, implementation, evaluation and growth of innovative strategies. The Lab also does this by embracing a targeted universalism approach, in which we recognize that our quest to help all children flourish, thrive, and succeed looks different for each child. The Lab supports the development of universal strategies that have the potential to benefit all children, but targets outreach and engagement among those children who will derive the most benefit, which is an approach similar to the one taken by the Othering & Belonging Institute at the University of California, Berkeley.
Areas in which the Lab finds it especially important to integrate crucial conversations and targeted universalism include mastermind sessions in which we incubate innovative strategies, as well as technical assistance and coaching sessions designed to advance innovative strategies or nurture organizational culture. During mastermind sessions, advisors ask structured questions about who will benefit from an innovative strategy, how changemakers will assess if a strategy achieves its intended outcomes, how changemakers engage different stakeholders, and which systems and policies support or impede the implementation and evaluation of a strategy. When engaging changemakers in technical assistance and coaching to advance an innovative strategy, the Lab challenges them to think about children’s development in the context of different social and environmental contexts to develop a tailored approach that is informed by risk, need and protective factors.
Embracing an Equity Mindset
We do not have an answer for Ingrid’s question, “Are we all racist?”, nor do we have an answer for a question we grapple with every day – how do we ensure all children flourish, thrive, and succeed? We do know that both questions are challenging us to think, practice, and engage in new strategies, and embrace an equity mindset in all that we do.
We want to hear from you! Tell us how you are promoting childhood prosperity and helping children flourish, thrive, and succeed by emailing childhoodprosperitylab [at]