We know your heart is built a little differently than most. And we know how to treat it. At Connecticut Children’s, our team of cardiologists and advanced practice providers specializes in the complex anatomy and heart function of adult congenital heart disease (ACHD). Through our Pediatric Care Alliance with Hartford HealthCare, we collaborate with Hartford Hospital to offer offer comprehensive diagnostics, lifestyle counseling, medical management and interventional and surgical treatment for the full spectrum of conditions related to ACHD.

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Why Choose Connecticut Children's Heart Center

Our Team

Connecticut Children’s multidisciplinary team of adult congenital cardiologists, in collaboration with nephrologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, pulmonologists and other internal medicine specialists, offer a full-range of inpatient and outpatient clinical services to adults with congenital heart disease, from diagnosis to cardiac catheterization and surgical repair.

ACHD Accredited Comprehensive Care Center

Connecticut Children’s is proud to be the first ACHD Accredited Comprehensive Care Center in Connecticut. This designation comes from the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA). 

Meet Haresh

Haresh may be young at heart, but at 62 years old, he is no kid. Lots of adults receive adult congenital heart disease care at Connecticut Children’s, so that part of his story isn’t unusual. But his story is rare for another reason. In fact, it’s the first in the world.

ACHD Services

  • Heart failure management
  • Catheter-based congenital heart disease interventions
  • Adult congenital heart disease arrhythmia management, including state-of-the-art catheter ablations as well as pacemaker implant and management
  • Heart transplant program in partnership with Hartford Hospital
  • Congenital echocardiography and cardiac MRI
  • Comprehensive management of pulmonary hypertension
  • Cardio-pulmonary exercise physiology laboratory
  • Outpatient clinical management
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Convenient Care

The ACHD team sees patients at Connecticut Children's main campus in Hartford. 

Exterior view of Connecticut Children's Medical Center in Hartford

Connecticut Children’s Medical Center – Hartford

282 Washington Street
Hartford, CT06106
United States

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Request An Appointment

New Cardiology Patients

Please complete the form to request an appointment. We will contact you shortly to schedule your appointment. 

Existing Cardiology Patients

If you've been seen by Connecticut Children's Heart Center in the last three years, please call the specialty directly.